Parking lots can be busy and stressful, for both children and parents! Reading a social story about parking lot safety before going out can be beneficial to remind your child what to expect and the rules to follow when in a parking lot. It can be helpful to use language, such as, “remember when we read about holding hands in the parking lot,” to help your child make the connection between the social story that was read together and being in the parking lot.
Utilizing social stories can be great for preparing your child for a given situation and offers you an opportunity to teach them how to respond safely and appropriately. In the parking lot safety social story, a simple explanation and pictures are provided to give your child the tools they need to participate in the activity and to set expectations of being in a parking lot. You can find the free, downloadable social story HERE.
If you have any questions about social stories or would be interested in our team developing additional social stories for a specific topic, please reach out to us! You can email our team at!