Making a difference every day.
What is Applied Behavior Analysis?
Applied Behavior Analysis is a scientific approach to understanding behavior. Analysts study the function and reasoning for engaging in a specific behavior, and then establish alternative ways that the child can meet their needs. Applied behavior analysis focuses on the events that happen before and after certain behaviors that allows the analyst to understand what events or activities could be changed to assist the child in the future.

Commonly Asked Questions

When is ABA appropriate?
ABA is appropriate when your child’s behavior is impeding their quality of life. This could look like a tantrum that is lasting longer than 30 minutes, your child hitting you or others to get gain attention, or even independent functioning/development skills such as a child not readily learning to toilet train. ABA therapists work with you and your child to find out why the behavior is happening and teach your child a more appropriate way to achieve the same result. The ABA therapist then assist parents in learning the same strategy to provide cohesive responses.
Does ABA only treat children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
ABA therapists treat anyone, including people without disabilities. ABA applies the scientific method to looking at behavior and this applies to any child and any behavior. ABA Every Day serves all families with a variety of exceptionalities.
What is a BCBA and an RBT?
A “BCBA” is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst. This is a masters level clinician who has completed 1500 hours of supervised experience and has passed a board exam to ensure their knowledge. Additionally, the BCBA is held to ethical and practice standard within the field of ABA with continual education units being required bi-annually.
A RBT is a Registered Behavior Technician. This is a therapist who has a high school diploma or greater, completed 40 hours of training, including a competency assessment, and has also passed an exam. RBTs are held to a standard by the board and are recertified bi-annually.
My child just received a diagnosis, and their doctor has recommended ABA therapy. What is my next step?
After receiving a diagnosis, it is natural to become overwhelmed by the immediate decisions to make on your new journey. When considering any therapy, we encourage you to interview several service providers. Working with a therapist is a personal service and your family should feel comfortable and confident with the relationship. ABA providers should provide details about their practice, your child’s team of therapists, scheduling, and timelines
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